Utility of a Deep-Learning Algorithm to Guide Novices to Acquire Echocardiograms for Limited Diagnostic Use

🧠 Can artificial intelligence guide novice operators to obtain good quality echocardiographic scans ? A recent study suggest that it does.

🏥 Artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied to analysis of medical imaging in recent years, but AI to guide the acquisition of ultrasonography images is a novel area of investigation. A novel deep-learning (DL) algorithm, trained on more than 5 million examples of the outcome of ultrasonographic probe movement on image quality, can provide real-time prescriptive guidance for novice operators to obtain limited diagnostic transthoracic echocardiographic images.

🎞 In this diagnostic study, 8 nurses without prior ultrasonography experience used artificial intelligence guidance to scan 30 patients each with a 10-view echocardiographic protocol (240 total patients). Five expert echocardiographers blindly reviewed these scans and felt they were of diagnostic quality for left ventricular size and function in 98.8% of patients, right ventricular size in 92.5%, and presence of pericardial effusion in 98.8%.

🔉 This DL algorithm allows novices without experience in ultrasonography to obtain diagnostic transthoracic echocardiographic studies for evaluation of left ventricular size and function, right ventricular size, and presence of a nontrivial pericardial effusion, expanding the reach of echocardiography to clinical settings in which immediate interrogation of anatomy and cardiac function is needed and settings with limited resources.

🚨 Artificial intelligence can extend the reach of echocardiography to assess the 4 basic parameters of left ventricular size and function, right ventricular size, and presence of a nontrivial pericardial effusion to sites with limited expertise.

✍🏽 The link to the article is here : https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2776714


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